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  • Writer's pictureMelissa Goodrich

A birthday girl and a stand-in mother

On March 1st, our amazing girl turned TWELVE.

Sometimes I wish things would slow down a little, but time is taking her by the hand and growing her into this incredibly beautiful, wildly persistent, abundantly generous spirit.

She’s soaking up the world around her at a rapid pace, and I’m diving in where necessary to remind her that it’s not the clothes you wear, nor the material possessions you have that make you who you are. That wanting and having will never fill you up inside. That you, my girl, are not lacking anything.

And while her external beauty is evident to anyone with a set of eyes, with all tenderness, I often remind her that this is the least interesting thing about her. That there are so many treasures below the surface of her skin meant to be discovered.

Sometimes she’ll say things like, “I wish I was pretty just like you,” as she counts the differences between us on each finger. I brace myself for these comparisons as another mother’s shape forms and looms in the background. But sometimes she’ll do something and it occurs to me...that despite not sharing the same DNA, we're actually more alike than either of us often realize.

I see it in her sarcastic and dry sense of humour, her creativity, her desire to find her authentic self, her budding take-no-shit feminism, her softness for little people and creatures, the way she stands up for what she believes in, and the tone she gets when she’s annoyed.

We carry a part of each other that never formed in the womb, but was nurtured in this world where we’ve grown together.

It’s been one of my greatest privileges to witness this literal Angel form her wings in readiness to fly. I just want her to take it all in, to know her worth, and to seek to be the version of herself that most aligns with her soul. And when she’s up there discovering the world from all vantage points with her authentic self at the helm, I hope she remembers that I’ll always be her safe place to land.

On your 12th year and always, you are loved, you are wanted, and you will always have me, baby girl. ✨🩵


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