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  • Writer's pictureMelissa Goodrich

August 27 - Enneagrams. Sometimes it feels good to read true things about yourself

Picture courtesy of @enneagramhive on Instagram. Have you ever done this enneagram thing? It's a wildly accurate personality test that examines your core motivations, purpose in life, and what drives you in the now. It also looks at your unhealthy traits. As a life long self-seeker who is always into digging as close to the core of myself and others, I highly recommend it.

A quintessential type 4, I'm dark, moody, brooding, overdramatic. I can't seem to escape the feeling that I'm tragically flawed, so that's fun. But today, we celebrate my more positive traits as with the above photo.

Hop onto Google and take a free test to discover your enneagram type of this kind of stuff tickles your fancy.

How accurate was it?


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