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Writer's pictureMelissa Goodrich

Blog blunders & remembering that mistakes are allowed

Mistakes are allowed. I say this to my kids all the time. More often than not, I don’t give myself the same grace and self-compassion. Anyway, I put this out there because you'll probably notice a lot more mistakes here now. I just simply don’t have the time to be polished. Of course, was making them before too. I’m a human, not a robot.

They’re particularly prevalent when I write random posts on my phone as I multitask (that’s mom life for ya). Nonetheless, I’m starting to find that writing on my phone is the only way to get a post in with a wee baby attached to my breast all the time. This often means missed punctuation, strange auto corrects, and general formatting issues. Not only that, but my little one is up through the night, and I’m pretty tired most days. Looking at a screen with fatigued eyes never works well, as tired people sometimes don’t have their brains firing on all cylinders. As it were, there many half-abandoned and haphazardly written posts in deference to her cries. So if something written here ever doesn’t make sense, that might be why. But life moves on, and I’ve learned that most of the time nobody is thinking about your mistakes more than you are. This is a passion project, not a paid one and I have always claimed to be the opposite of perfect. Don’t hold me up too high. I might just touch the sky.

So please bear with me as I clumsily post whatever wants to come out in this unfiltered space. Mistakes will happen, but that’s what the editing function is for, hey?

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