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  • Writer's pictureMelissa Goodrich

Everything is doomed, and nothing will be spared, but I love you, honeybear.

Well, we’ve officially reached 9 years of wedded bliss. If I’m being honest, I never really saw myself as the kind of person to get married. I'm more of a free spirit, ‘nobody understands me, thus I’m better off alone’ type. In fact, I’ll literally destroy good things that come my way just because I don’t think I deserve them. Child of an acrimonious divorce say what?

Needless to say, this is one of the greatest areas of resistance in my relationship, and it definitely still gets in the way sometimes. Accepting that this love is mine, that I deserve it, that we can work out all the kinks over time, and it doesn’t have to be perfect to be genuine and real…this can be tricky for me at times.

But after 14.5 years, and some repeated attempts to run, I now know he has me, and I have him. There’s no denying the love we have for each other. He’s seen me through all my life stages – quite literally – given that we’ve known each other since I was 7. And I’ve seen him through every bad haircut and poor life choice too.


Now here we are - NINE years after we tied the knot, expecting our last baby. Still fighting and loving each other ferociously. Still laughing and adventuring and fucking like a couple of teenagers.


The passion has had its moments of dips and dwindles, but just know you’ve tied an anchor to my heart, my darling. I’ll never stop writing you saccharine love letters. Case in point…


Throwing it back to NINE years ago when we stood amongst ponderosa pines and promised to grow old together.


I knew it was the beginning of something, but I never would’ve guessed the twists and turns our life  together would take, or just how important our declarations of love that day would turn out to be.


These nine years have truly been something. We’ve come together through every ordinary struggle and unique circumstance, and fought hard to nourish our life together when it would be easier to grow apart. We’ve become parents to two exquisite, big-hearted, beautiful children, and in an exciting turn of events, we’ll welcome our baby girl in November. Our family will finally be complete, but the fun is just beginning.


What a special life we’ve built. It’s never boring or uneventful, and that’s why I cherish each and every one of the slow moments I get to spend hand in hand with you. You don’t let go of me in stormy weather, and you ride every wave of mercuriality that I put in front of you.  To this day, you still make me laugh, make me think, and add adventure to our lives. You even let me keep up my reputation as the nice one, because no one makes a customer service complaint like you, and no one brings the thunder out at bedtime like a dad who gets up for work before sunrise.


This love has brought me more than I imagined. Sometimes I still need to remind myself that it’s real, and that it’s mine. I’m so grateful. I love you babe.


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