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  • Writer's pictureMelissa Goodrich

For women EVERYWHERE to be free

If your feminism isn't intersectional, I don't want it.

On this International Women's Day...I use the privilege of my white woman battle cry to call for the freedom of Palestinian women and girls who are being needlessly slaughtered and forced into extinction. Women being murdered with babies in their wombs and dreams in their hearts.

Women are the life givers and the maternal light of this world, and we must protect them at all costs. So today isn't about celebrating the 'girl boss'. That's what the capitalists want us to do because it keeps us distracted with a focus on being women who can actually have it all: careers, kids, money, and power. While I'm all for working women's rights, girl boss feminism has never resonated with me because it panders to capitalists.

In actuality today is about the self-actualization and human rights of women and girls, both at home and abroad. The ability to self-actualize into being a 'girl boss'or whatever you want to be cannot happen if you're fighting for your life.

We've won so many battles in feminism over the past 100 years. But it is clear that the work is nowhere near over. As of now, I am thankful for the rights and privileges I have to write this post from the safety of a small town coffee shop. I can talk to you all day about how Western women have been silenced and forced into compliance and commodified and had their bodies controlled. And I will. But for now, I just want to say that women are not free until ALL women are free.


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