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  • Writer's pictureMelissa Goodrich

Fuck the world. Damn straight malaise. It may just be us who feel this way.

Systemic injustice carried out by government lackeys, casual mass genocide disguised as war over sovereignty of ‘holy land’, sweet tea American dreams promised to all but gifted to few, middle class measuring rods and dusty institutions that aim to please the powerful few while they assimilate the rest, pleasant views overlooking rapidly rising ocean tides, lustrous dew drop skin filled and filtered to perfection, AI crafted words and automated answers…

I’ll never feel normal here. I’ll always want it to be different. A little softer. A little more authentic.

Twist your head back on sister. Sometimes it’s easier to buy in. You just seem crazy otherwise. I feel gaslit by a society I’d rather hide away from most days.

Lucky for me, I look like the rest of them. I can slip through the cracks. But sometimes I just wanna scream until the world breaks and starts anew.


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