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  • Writer's pictureMelissa Goodrich

I don’t believe in Valentine’s Day, but I believe in memes about Valentine’s Day

Rain your kisses down upon me

Rain your kisses down in storms

And for all who'll come before me

In your slowly fading forms

Putting looks aside, we have to appreciate musical genius and inherent sexiness of this guy here. Let’s be real, if you sang me this, I'd come back to you, baby. And I’d surely hit it.

Have fun with your ‘cutie’ today (if you have one). If not, have fun with yourself, I suppose. Try not to let this day make you feel bad about being alone. It could be worse, you could have found ‘the one’ via Internet dating. So much for fates aligning. I kid, I kid. I have like 3 really good friends who are now happily married to their online love matches. Of course they were previously married . Organic love connections are hard to come by when you’re occupied by parenthood. For the rest of us though, there is no excuse. Get out there and stop looking for love through a machine. I’ll have more to say about love more generally a bit later, but I’ll leave it there for now.

Meme created by: @sadfishtrombone on IG.


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