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  • Writer's pictureMelissa Goodrich

I’m always pushing you away from me, but you come back with gravity.

My husband took this picture at the exact moment I decided to stop being mad at him during our annual trip to the PNE this summer. He usually takes bad pictures of me, but surprisingly, this one is kind of cute. He knows my tells. Stupid little smirk. I'm sun and rain, baby. He sees when the storm is coming to an end.

I hate being rushed or scheduled. I like to see where the day goes. I like to dream, take my time, and delay decisions for as long as possible. He's organized and regimented. He craves structure and routine. He sets his mind to something and just does it.

It's hard to meet in the middle sometimes. When you have kids, you're constantly trying to be in the moment with them, and also keep them on some form of routine. I'm really great at being present with them, but rushing them from activity to activity isn't my favourite thing. I don’t overschedule them if I can help it.

That's why going to the PNE always results in one banger of a disagreement. Always. Without fail. It's a crowded place, ergo my anxiety kicks into overdrive, and I just want to go with the flow. That's how I protect myself. He's the opposite and wants to make sure the kids get to experience it all. Ultimately, we're both doing the best we can to give the kids the best of us.

But, if you ever see me in a busy, crowded space with my family, you might just catch me in the middle of a mood. Send a friendly set of eyes my way, and maybe an extra ticket to the beer garden...


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