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  • Writer's pictureMelissa Goodrich

Mindful motherhood: Listening to her, listening to myself.

I got this book in my first pregnancy, and now I find myself utilizing it again for this baby. When I was pregnant with my son, I didn’t actually need much help being zen. It just came naturally, and I was inherently that way throughout. It was like I was on a different frequency. I felt calm, gentle, and full of joy.

But this pregnancy hasn’t been as easy, I feel more equipped, but it has been a harder physical journey, which takes a toll emotionally. Luckily, I’m more tuned into the realities of motherhood this time around. I know when to ask for things. I know when to seek out a quiet space for myself and my baby to connect and form a spiritual bond.

Having her grow inside me gives me the excuse I need to take things slow and to seek calm over chaos. I believe it’s true - with every pregnancy and every child that comes into your life, you have the opportunity for rebirth. And this is that moment for me.


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