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  • Writer's picturemelissagoodrich27

Next up: Podcasting?

My friend and I are spitballing the idea of starting a podcast. We've decided we'll record some episodes and then see if we even like it before we put it out in the world. It could be awful, I mean I already struggle with hearing the sound of my voice, and I really dislike when people talk for the sake of talking.

I saw a meme recently that described starting a podcast as 'this generation's lower back tattoo'. On some level, I'd have to agree. Sometimes they're just bad and self-indulgent. Like really cringe.

But I trust my friend, and I'd be lying if I said that part of me isn't interested in exploring the conversational aspect and shared connection that emerges between two or more humans and then reaches a wider audience.

I think this will be different. It will be an authentic examination of motherhood and what it's like to raise kids in this world, how we parent them and ourselves through it, the funny and fucked up stuff our little people do to get their needs met, healing our inner children, and a mish mash of our personal experiences as modern moms taking on bigots and others of the small-minded variety. I can't tell you how many times we've ranted to each other about this kind of stuff. Might as well let you all in on it.

Whatever it turns out to be, I know there will be a ton of laughs and faux pahs along the way. We'll swear a lot. I want it to feel warm and familiar. Sort of like you're in a coffee shop eavesdropping on a conversation between two lifelong friends. And mostly, we will have something for our kids to listen to after we're long gone. They'll really know us. I hope, of course, that mine will read these posts too.

So what will set me and my friend apart from the zillions of other podcasters out there? Well not much at first maybe? It will be extremely authentic though. We're both progressive moms in helping professions living a middle class existence who parent somewhat idiosyncratically (heart-led). She brings an amazing energy to the room. She's funny as hell, engaging, and one of the kindest and smartest people I know. I bring the cynical dreamer and the passion for feminism and socialism.

I might even nail this. It's not like I haven't had my own radio show, guys. Or more accurately, when I was 11, I dubbed over my mom's cassette tapes and created my own 'radio show'. I had guests and everything. Nowadays 11 year olds are on TikTok doing way cooler shit, but I fucked up my moms Creedence Clearwater Revival tapes just to talk about nonsense in four different accents.

Anyway, if we like what we record, I'll be sure to spread the word here and post a link so you can be privy to my (possibly) second lower back tattoo.




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