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  • Writer's pictureMelissa Goodrich

Planet cancer, sweet revenge. Isolation, online friends.

Happy Earth Day, folks. Today let’s celebrate a planet that has endured destruction and chaos at the hands of the same humans it has generously provided a home for, with most of this damage occurring over the last 100 years. Thank you, capitalism. You greedy fuck.

I despise so much about modernity. Mostly the inauthenticity and greed it has summoned. How what we have is never enough. The need for more, or for ‘better’. The lack of gratitude we have for this place in its wild glory. The manufacturing we do of products and relationships while forgetting who we are without turning everything into a commodity. The way we barely see our friends in real life, the way we form romantic relationships online instead of organically. The AI and the filters and the millions of posed pictures we take just to capture one genuine moment. Sometimes I don't even feel 'real' myself. But I feel real when I'm outside, in the raw beauty of nature. I want more of that for my kids. I want them to know how to be bored in public without the need to be entertained by a screen. I want them to know how to preserve and conserve this place so that they, their children, and grandchildren can enjoy it. I want them to know how to sit in silence amid the trees and look on in wonder at rainbows and to delight in smelling every flower. I want them to blow dandelions in the spring and run in fields of green in the summer and jump in leaves in the fall and eat snow in the winter. I just hate that we realized what we had far too late. Capitalism prioritizes profit over people and planet, and our kids will pay the price.

I don't want to lose this for them. I'll do everything I can to help them become stewards of the land now, to respect their connection to Mother Earth and to understand they are part of a working system of nature, not a hierarchy.

I am so grateful we call this rock home.


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