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  • Writer's picturemelissagoodrich27

Sin City


I love Vegas and I'm currently trying to convince my husband we need to book a trip there. It's been awhile since we had our last kid-free vacation. Vegas is great because it's the city of weird. I would hate actually living there and I'm not a gambling girl, but I love the idea of a short and sweet hedonistic good time. That's why I had my stagette there. I love, love, love the piano bar at New York New York. If you haven't been, you must check it out. Anyway I'm home with a sick child so I can't give you anything better than a brief memory lane walk of a couple very distinct memories from some of my favourite trips there.

Let's start with the above photos. Not very flattering, but we can't always show the pretty pics, can we? These were taken in 2010 when I was in Vegas for my step-sister's stagette. I'm introverted but oddly social. I genuinely like meeting new and interesting people who I then quickly manage to recruit into my circle of trust. It was a hazy night on Fremont street when I came across little Mr. T. He is a very popular street performer, and I suppose I tipped him well enough that he could pack it in for a bit and accept the invite our group of girls (or more likely, just me) threw out to join us at a nearby club. Him and I danced the night away. I'm talking full-on on voguing. The joke is that I was trying to become his manager. I mean, the fellow was adorbs and makes bank. He did a great impersonation of Mr. T. I pity the fool who can't see what a dead ringer he is. I hope he's doing well and continuing to lead a prosperous life where he occasionally gets lured into dance clubs by overly friendly drunk women.

The second thing I'd like to share about Vegas is that it's where I got engaged nearly 9 years ago. We arrived in April 1st and there was a setup in our hotel where you could pose in wedding outfits under an 'I Do' banner as an April Fools prank for your family and friends. I asked Chad to do it as I figured it would be funny to pull one over on our pals, but he was oddly averse to the idea. I didn't realize this was because he had already told everyone he was proposing the next day on our planned trip to the Grand Canyon.

Unfortunately, our trip got cancelled and rescheduled for another day. Chad was so bummed. We decided to make our way to Hash House A Go-Go, get day drunk and tour the Wax Museum instead. On the way out, Chad said he wanted to stop at the Venetian fountain to set the tripod up and take a few pictures. As he was running to get in the photo, he dropped to his knee. A minute after I said yes, a stumbling and incoherent drunk man slurred some congratulations our way in true Vegas style. Wouldn't change it for the world.

I haven't been back for awhile, since before kids. But I'm down for some hedonism, and even though I'm little more than a Lite-Brite making snack bitch these days, I think I'm still just as fun as the many other times I've been.

What are your favourite things to do in Vegas?


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