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  • Writer's picturemelissagoodrich27

Song of the Week: I Own You

I think I’m going to start doing some sort of song/art/movie/book of the week thing. Maybe on Thursdays? Not sure exactly how I’m gonna do it, but I'll probably link videos or photos at the end of a brief post.

Because I have fairly eclectic taste when it comes to that stuff, it feels good to share the offbeat preferences I have with others. And sometimes I just don’t have a lot to talk about, to be honest. For my first such post, I'll introduce you the song "I Own You" by Irish singer-songwriter Mick Flannery. I was a brooding young woman of twenty when I first discovered his music (on MySpace of all places - aging myself here!). Since then, I've had the pleasure of seeing him live on numerous occasions, the first time being in the quaint Irish seaside town of Tramore in 2009. He remains my favourite present day musician; and if you don't believe me about how good he is, just have a listen. His body of work speaks for itself. His lyrics are poignant meditations on the human experience and often touch on sad, dark, or unsettling topics. Basically, he's my jam, speed, and tempo through and through.

While he has a brilliant new record out titled Goodtime Charlie (released in 2023), this track is actually from his 2016 album of the same name, and is probably my favourite song to go hard to when I'm working out. Pre-warning: like much of his work, it's fairly dark topically and has an ominous aura to it, so not something super cheery. But if you're into the opposite of cheer, it gives off real Nick Cave/Tom Waits/Leonard Cohen vibes. After listening, I just want to defeat bad guys and write.

So in that regard alone, it's a good one.

Favourite lyrics: "Blue-eyed evil capitalist pig/hang that fucker in the big white wig."


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