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  • Writer's pictureMelissa Goodrich

Suburban Discontent

You insane, maddening,

wilful woman

always seeking answers

to hard questions.

Asking more of others

than what they can give.

Incessantly inquisitive,

consistently capricious,

persistently pestiferous

in the quest for

deeper understanding.

Just a tiny speck of a girl

voluntarily stripped naked

like her predecessors -

arsonists who freed themselves

from material belongings

and institutions

that would become cages

for those who complied

and brewed the discontent

that radicalized

those radical eyes.

Except she trades dogmatics

for the study of pragmatics,

the context of words spoken.

Does anyone really mean

what they say?

Say what they mean?

And if the Devil is in the details,

then God is in the subconscious

fluidly forming intrinsically within.

But sure - put a little more

in the church collection plate

that'll help us not to judge,

that'll help us not to hate.

Perhaps this ship we’re on

is rudderless after all?

With no captain,

just a scroll

of man-made rules

designed to tether the soul.

Learn to trust the voice within

and allow it to rise

through meditation,

although good soldiers say:

To hell with feelings,

give us sedation

give us a nice map

tell us where to go

give us a night cap

let the anesthesia flow

through the veins

til the eyes roll back

Or let them grow squarer

affixed to a screen,

reminding us to want,

anticipating our needs.

Begging us to seek externally

what's missing internally.

Suit up our armour

and gather our arsenal

in the form of money owed.

A beautiful presentation

a painted on smile

a big house

a nice fucking lawn.

Shut the kids up for a second

to get the perfect photograph

posted for everyone to see:

‘Hey it happened’

and ‘I exist’

and 'this is happiness’

Class warfare:

consciously unconscious

of our place in the queue,

ignorantly aimless,

intuitions drowned away

by the cacophonic chaos

growing louder by the day.

The world is burning

while everyone is yearning

just to be seen

just to be heard.

Do we absorb indifference

or do we walk around the suburbs

looking for someone —

anyone who cares?

The neighbour’s dog

just shit on my lawn again.

Think I’ll write a letter to the city,

probably best to tend to that instead.



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