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  • Writer's pictureMelissa Goodrich

Sunday Spotlight: Sex Jams

I know I said I'd do this on Thursdays, but I decided to scrap that. As of now, Sunday will be the day I'll share music, films, books, or other art I love with you guys.

Without further ado, I give you a list of four songs I find particularly sexy. These bangers (no pun intended) can be enjoyed with your partner, your one night stand, or even yourself (hey, no shame). Pop these titles into Spotify or YouTube and have a listen.

The Smashing Pumpkins - "Ava Adore"

  • Why the 'sexy' rating?: Sure, there's a creepy, dark undertone to this. But, nonetheless, it makes me want to be defiled. It's a destructive, addictive love we are seeing here. Thus, it might not be a love making track you'd play with someone you're relatively new to dating . The use of the word 'whore' throughout the track might just taint a romantic evening, so choose your bedmate wisely.

Father John Misty - "When You're Smiling and Astride Me"

  • Why the 'sexy' rating?: There's vulnerability and self-awareness here that's incredibly sensual. I love that it's a sexy song but also a love song - sweet but not syrupy. Basically you can be yourself with this person in every way and they'll accept you. What's hotter than that? Nothing, FJM. Nothing at all. I think it'd be a wedding song if I could do that day over.

Minus the Bear - "White Mystery"

  • Why the 'sexy' rating?: It's oozes confidence and basically spells out how this thing is going to go down. The tempo is perfect and it's sooo sensual.  Pretty hot for a genre labeled 'math rock'.

The National - "All Dolled Up In Straps"

  • Why the 'sexy' rating?:

  • Matt’s voice, the tempo, the menacing feel of it. Need I say more?


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