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  • Writer's pictureMelissa Goodrich

Sunday Spotlight: my Hylander turns six.

He’s been in the entertainment industry since he was three, and this summer he’ll be starting his fourth season as a series regular on a TV show. He’s talented, spectacularly intelligent, and wise beyond his years. But first and foremost, he’s my little boy.

My son, today we begin Chapter SIX in the story of you…

Suddenly you were six, and yet forever my baby. Long before I first held you in my arms, you came to me in dreams. I didn’t know it then, but I realize now that it was always you - the impish blonde boy with a twinkle in his eyes leading me through portals of mystery and wonder. Together we’d return to the whimsy and warmth of childhood, wandering down roads I’d never thought I’d travel. When I woke up, I’d be left longing to find you again.

As it turns out, sometimes dreams are just hopes that become real. In the early morning hours of June 2nd 2018, after five days of prolonged labour, you finally came to me in your earthly form. I can’t tell you what the weather was like that day, or what was going on in the world at that time, but the moment I heard you cry upon taking your first breaths, I remember it feeling like a return to something I’d always longed for. Like coming home again after a long absence. When I held you to my chest, it was as if we’d always known each other, and I knew with certainty that I’d miss you even if we’d never met.

You are the second child I’ve had the honour to mother, and the first I’ve had the privilege to carry in my womb space. Soon, you will be my middle baby, and just as rivers change shape in the ever evolving landscape of life, my love for each one of you will only expand and deepen.

My baby boy, do you know what it’s like to love you? You are every colour of the rainbow. You are infinite wisdom, unvarnished joy, and unflinching truth. You are so authentically you from one moment to the next. You are belly laughs, moody days, and namastes. You love language, math, nature and science. You are relentlessly inquisitive, always asking me to tell you something you don’t already know. You are a born advocate for this planet, and all the people and animals who are blessed to call it home. You are always questioning how things work, why things work, and how to make things better. You say you want to live to be ‘117’, and I hope you do, because if your first six years are any indication, you were born to be a force of good here on Earth.

Happy birthday my boy. I love you a googolplex.


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