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  • Writer's picturemelissagoodrich27

Sunshine State of Mind


Sorry if it's been a little slow around here. I've been on vacation and I really wanted to immerse myself in that. So much of my life is attached to this device and I need to take the opportunities I can to disconnect from that. After every big holiday or vacation, I feel so compelled to immediately post happy family pictures and beautiful highlight reels curated for the eyes of others. I feel guilty when I don't. But I consciously try to resist doing it right away because it takes me out of the moment. I've never understood how people can go on a stunning vacation only to spend so much time on their phones (besides taking photos). Even then, I like to take the picture and try to soak it up in real time. It was great to be in a new space and feel the warmth on my skin. I feel like I've been in a fog for so long. Sometimes being somewhere different grants a new perspective. Even if it's that rich people spend too much money and people are wasteful and this makes me uncomfortable. Really though, it was good and I appreciated the warm sun hitting my skin for the first time in many months.

When you go on vacations with kids, they say it's merely like you're parenting somewhere else. Of course that's true. The job never ends and kids don't care how much money you've spent to make this dream vacation happen. They don't care that you didn't sleep a wink on the flight over and that you're exhausted too. They just want to know what's happening next and if they're going to have fun doing it.

In any case, my kids are pretty great travellers. They're generally pretty happy and excitable when it comes to exploring somewhere new. I love watching their reactions to things. I love seeing them marvel at new and interesting sights. I love witnessing their wonder and amusement at the seemingly small things. That doesn't mean I couldn't use a wee little vacation without them. Lord knows I could. Especially once school is done.

Any ideas where I should go?


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