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  • Writer's picturemelissagoodrich27

The back to school scaries

Cringe lunch box notes from mom written in indecipherable Gen Z slang, back and forth trips to MEC for pricy outdoor gear, school fees I wonder if the average family can afford, buzzing alarm clocks, lost indoor shoes, Hilroy notebooks in every colour, after school play dates, an assembly line of packed lunches.

Yup, the kids are back to school this week. Grade 1 and Grade 7, respectively. Two different schools, two entirely different pedagogies. Part of me is looking forward to getting back into routine, the other part is wondering how I’m going to manage all this with a newborn in a couple of months. Most notably, I dread the apathy and disconnect of the average middle school experience. I was in the trenches with my daughter last year, but this time around I’m worried I might miss something, especially given how preoccupied I am these days.

I’m sure they’ll be fine, right? They just need to remember I’ve got them. My main goal is to ensure they leave their school experiences feeling worthy and capable. I could care less whether they’re A+ students. I don’t want them

to hustle for a sense of belonging or a feeling of accomplishment. I want school to be a good memory and safe place.


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