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  • Writer's pictureMelissa Goodrich

To have so much to lose is the only feeling

Two and half years ago I was seriously considering taking a vastly different life path. I couldn’t figure out which way to go. Call it a temporary lapse into manic behaviour, but I was being destructive. Confused, resentful, and feeling caged in, I came close to scorching everything. A mad case of post-covid blues following an extended period of stay-at-home mommy life really did a number on me, I guess. I couldn’t see what I already had. But then someone I really loved did me a kindness and helped me get back on the path. I didn’t see it as that then, but now I understand that what they did for me was truly selfless.

If you told me back then that I’d be where I am now, I wouldn’t believe it. I wake up bathed in gratitude as my baby girl kicks inside me, my husband and son lay nestled at my side, and my daughter plays with the dog down the hall.

I wake up to life. This one. The only one that counts.

And I wouldn’t change it. It’s everything.


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