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  • Writer's pictureMelissa Goodrich

Weird facts you should know if we’re going to make this work.

1. My first dream in life was to be a country singer/cowgirl. I had cute little western outfits and I would get dressed up and force my parents to throw 'cowgirl' parties where they'd invite their friends to watch me sing badly and play guitar even worse. I'm not sure if the positive reviews of my shrill yet enthusiastic performances were directly correlated to how much alcohol the adults consumed at these events, but I'd hazard a guess and say yes. I gave up on that dream eventually, but sometimes I secretly imagine myself up there on stage belting it out like Dolly and Reba while looking like Shania Twain. My first single would be a full on hit with a witty title such as, "Daddy Was a Banker, Mama Lost Interest".

2. I once kissed a bullfrog. No prince cometh.

3. For a short time when I was 10, I was convinced I could move things with my mind. Pencils and things like that. I even had one friend convinced too. Sucker.

4. I like birds by themselves but not when they fly in flocks. It's a Hitchcockian fear I developed when I was young and never grew out of. A mild form of ornithophobia that my family still rips on me about.

5. Given the choice between an upbeat song and a melancholy ditty full of loneliness and pain, I'll always choose the latter.

6. I have slightly webbed toes and a birth mark that looks like Pac Man on my left foot. I know I could probably capitalize on this on OnlyFans but I haven't yet.

7. I have a weird fascination with occultism and the supernatural. I fully believe in ghosts and I'm obsessed with old cemeteries. Obviously I'm fun at parties.

8. My dream is to retire on a lake in the Scottish Highlands or somewhere in the Irish countryside. I'd live out my days writing, walking my old sheepdog, and drinking whiskey by the fire.

9. As a child (4 years old to be exact) I was deeply repulsed by the song "I'm Too Sexy" by Right Said Fred. I don't remember why but I just found it disturbing.

10. I am an INFP personality and an enneagram type 4. According to Google, enneagram type 4s embody the following traits:

  • Distinctive inner and outer presentation

  • Prominent artistic outlet(s)

  • Quirky and endearing

  • Melancholic expression

  • Strong sense of identity

  • May feel a sense of emptiness

  • Passionate about self-expression

And..."the best thing about Fours is that they can be incredibly introspective, thoughtful, and focused on depth and meaning. This can also be their worst trait, as they can get sucked into themselves to the point of getting disconnected from their outside world. Precisely when they might NEED to be connected to their outside world is when they might self-isolate and get stuck internally.

As withdrawn types, Fours can take refuge from the outside world by going into their “Four Cave,” or their inner world of ideals and fantasy." Source:

Yeah, so about that inner world...

Until next time folks.


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