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  • Writer's pictureMelissa Goodrich

Updated*** Who’s your blogger? Brass tacks time.

It's the first week of 2024, and it's hard to believe that been doing this thing for nearly a year now. I feel like sometimes I just ramble esoterically without giving out many solid details about my life. There's a reason for that (privacy is power, for one). But some of you are new here, so for this entry I thought I'd just recap a few things about myself you might not know. That way, if you read something later on you can connect the dots, or after reading this you might never come back.

So I'm just your average Marxist-feminist sardonic gentle-parenting mom of two living in the burbs, and...

~ I'm an indie-folk music lover through and through (though I admit, my musical preferences are extremely diverse)

~ I work in the mental health field with incarcerated men.

~ I'm obsessed with moody, magical places that have grit and substance, like Scotland and Ireland.

~ I've got a lot of birthmarks that I used to be self conscious about but now I rock 'em.

~ I've got 6 tattoos, and I still want more.

~ I'm a makeup loving, dress wearing girly girl, but I think getting my nails done is a waste, so I've only done it like 5x in my life. To be honest, I'd rather spend money on face cream that keeps me looking young.

~ The best movie I watched last year was a poignant little indie flick called After Sun.

~ I can't handle surface level conversations. They're painful for me. I want to get underneath at all times. This probably scares a lot of people.

That's it for now. If there's more you want to know, you can type a message in the chat box (little speech bubble icon) by scrolling to the bottom of my blog on a desktop and enter a question there. Note: on mobile, it’s on the bottom right of your screen. If you'd prefer to be anonymous, leave the name field blank. I'll answer when I can. This feels like the Facebook Honesty Box circa 2007, and I'm here for it. But please, to avoid giving me the heeby jeebies, keep it clean. No creepy messages. I just cannot deal with those anymore. 🙃


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