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  • Writer's pictureMelissa Goodrich

Year 14 - I will never be your vegetable

We began this current iteration of our life in December 2009. But we've known each other for almost 30 years. To be honest, I don't remember life before you. And sometimes that's made it hard to see who I am separately in all of this. We've fought through so much together - sharp, unexpected grief and seven year itches and dulled sparks and my self-doubt and parenting in unexpected ways.

Somehow through all of that, we've been able to find the passion again. Nobody kisses like you, knows the curves of my body like you, knows how to hold me like you do at the end of a long day.

Despite what others see, we have this wildly imperfect life. The decisions we've had to make when building our family have not been easy, and have had wide reaching implications. An adopted girl. A son who is in the spotlight. Both beautiful souls who I'm proud to raise alongside him. And there has been loss and tragedy and foibles along the way, but it's made us the partners and parents we are. There were times I didn't see just how truly special this thing is that we've built. I got antsy. I took it for granted. I felt like a flightless bird. But not anymore...

My fickle nature and restless free spirit has gone toe-to-toe with your perfectionism and need for stability and order, and we've found some balance in between. This is an actual partnership. We're growing something here that feels immovable and enduring. Love like an oak tree.

You're the best thing for me, and I'm sure of that now.

I see it all for what it is now. I love you and the beautiful life we've built together.

Here's to 50 more of these. Here's to the adventure our family gets to embark on in 2024.

I love ya, baby.


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